
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When to go to Yellowstone.

So it's easy to see we are Yellowstone savvy.  So here is my two cents on planning a trip to Yellowstone.  Decide what you want to do while you are visiting and then decide when to visit.

I realize that most folks plan around when they can get vacation time but if you have a choice here is what I can tell ya.

June (especially the first 3 weeks) Low crowds and temps but HIGH on wildlife including grizzlies.

July -- Warm to sometimes Hot. Ridiculous crowds but a paradise for hiking, biking and wildflowers.  Swimming in Firehole River and Boiling River are fabulous.  Moose Falls -- a secret and well hidden place for a plunge is also nice.
August --  Similar to July but less flowers.  Bison are in Rut (mating season) and that is just hilarious. The end of August is cooler and lower crowds because school has started but still nice and you just might spot a grizzly getting ready for winter.
September -- A geat time to hear Elk starting their mating season which means that beautiful yet haunting bugle sound fills the crisp fall air. Very good time for Grizzlies too.  Hiking is nice but more rain and snow.

October -- Quiet, relaxing, cold and slow. Stay at Old Faithful Inn, listen to the piano player and drink a hot cocoa for me.

Yellowstone will provide a wonderful outdoor adventure no matter when you decide to go. You just need to be ready for the season and roll with the adventure that she naturally lays out before you. You know what they say... "Don't mess with Mother Nature.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just made it.

Got in Yellowstone Monday afternoon. We've  seen 3 moose, Big Horn sheep and oh yeah 3 Grizzly Bears and a wolf.  How's that for burying the lead!

Not a lot of spots to upload so we found a bit of satelite magic reflecting off a cloud in Hayden valley.  Hayden Valley is magical even with out this mysterious ray of modern technology. This is the plae to be the early morning or at dusk to spot the animals gathering and to find the predators looking for a fresh and tasty meal.

Years ago we came here on snow mobiles and I swear when it was complete covered in snow and barren and abandoned by veggitation and cars full of people we could actually hear and feel the earth breath.

Oh yes, the reason for the title This morning the East entrance was closed due to avalanch. We came in the East gate yesterday so we just made it. Yahoo. Well enjoy the photos. We are headed for a swim in the Boiling River by Mammoth at the north end of the park.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What's your 8 second ride?

He's hooked on a feelin', addicted to a natural high
Don't know why it's appealin', all he knows is he's got to ride.
He's addicted to danger.
Ruled by passion and pride.
To pain and fear he's no stranger
But his lust needs to be satisfied
Hooked on an 8 second ride           Chris Ledoux

Tonight we took the kids to the Cody Nite Rodeo.  Every night all summer they have a rodeo and for a few buckaroos you can put on your shiny new boots and hat and pretend that you know all about being a cowboy. 

The last time I was at the Cody Nite Rodeo I was 20 years old and working in Yellowstone the summer before my junior year in college.  Now, here I am 21 years later taking the kiddos and boy is the view different. 

As we sat in the stands I got the biggest kick out of watching my 2 year old dance to the music while he shoved fist fulls of popcorn in his mouth. His 8 year old brother was thrilled with having a coke all to himself while he enjoyed the cowboys flying through the air like ragdolls from the backs of broncs and bulls that found each cowboy as annoying as a fly on a hot day.   

There was  group of young women sitting behind us that were probably close to the age I was on my previous visit.  They sat talking about the cowboys.  I even heard one girl say, "Oh he has the prettiest teeth" which made me think she was buying livestock instead of looking for a date. 

I know I had a wonderful time all those years ago because I was young and with wonderful friends I had made while working in Yellowstone.  I know we laughed and I am POSITIVE we talked about the cowboys and their jeans.  Oh, yes those jeans are something to behold, but I digress....... The life I have now, that is the 8 second ride that is worth it every time and keeps me getting up every morning to get back on the bull.

As we left my two year old threw a major fit and kicked off his boots which meant Daddy carried him back to the truck like a sack of potatoes.  During the walk to the car he kept screaming, "Mommy carry me", "Mommy hold my hand" and was one of the wildest critters of the night.  Still... this life, this family is the 8 second ride that will have me climbing in the chute every day. 

Tomorrow we are heading in to Yellowstone.  Not sure when we'll have time to post because I imagine that wifi is very minimal in the park.  However, check back.  If we find "Griz" we'll have to find a way to upload a video or photos for you to enjoy. 

Until then..  Enjoy your 8 SECOND RIDE whatever it may be!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wagons West!

Eastward I go only by force; but westward I go free....  that way the nation is moving, and I may say that mankind progresses from east to west.  -Henry David Thoreau

I live in Colorado and grew up in Missouri. So pioneers moving west have fascinated me for years. The pioneers inspire courage, determination and simple skills of survival.  All skills one needs to pack up and leave behind family and employment to move out west with a new husband and start a new adventure -- just like Shane and I did in 1993.

Today we stopped at the National Historic Trails Center in Casper Wyoming.  The Trails Center let us experience firsthand the hardships - and tenacious spirit - of America's expansion.  Plus it was a lot of fun!

Nearly 400,000 people came west...most of them on foot.  Certainly makes me wonder what I can accomplish that I (and the naysayers)  think is impossible. 

The next time you travel west make this wonderful museum a stop on your list.  Admission is free if you have an Annual National Park Pass; admission is minimal if you do not.

P.S.  Casper Wyoming also has a historic Fort, a minor league baseball team and an aquatics center with water slides.

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's a love hate thing.

Here we go.  A first video. I hope to improve on this. I really love all these new gadgets that allow us to do amazing things.  I hate that i am up at 11 pm trying to figure it out.  Anyway enjoy a little upload. Tomorrow we are heading to a museum about pioneers and the Oregon trail.   (Please forgive typos and errors this is killer doing this on a phone.)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Go N Mobile

I am trying a post on my phone.  Does it work? Boy this world is amazing.

We are packing the camper and heading out tomorrow afternoon.  We have a plan and we're nearly ready to hit the road to Yellowstone.

We had a crazy notion to head to Oregon but the gas was as much as our budget for a week in Yellowstone.  We have 10 days and an Oregon roadtrip from CO really needed 14 days.  I promise we'll show you a Yellowstone different from most so join us.

I will use my phone and send photos and video whenever we have a 3G signal. Check in often and see what we're up to!